Born and raised in Arizona

John is a third generation Arizona native. Growing up, he learned the value of personal integrity, hard work, and community service from his mother (a community college professor) and father (a successful business owner). 

John knows firsthand the value of a quality public education. After receiving an outstanding education from his local public schools, John moved to Tucson to attend the University of Arizona before continuing on to graduate school in California.

John's path back to Tucson

Ten years into his career in California, John and his wife started a family and decided to return to Tucson to raise their children in our wonderful community which offered good schools, affordable housing, and an outstanding quality of life. He has lived in Pima County for over thirty-three years.

Experienced in Getting Things Done

Shortly after returning to Tucson, John opened an office of Arete Associates to develop cutting-edge technologies for national security. Starting with a staff of two, the business grew rapidly, soon generating over $30M in annual revenue and employing over 75 skilled professionals. The business thrived because of the quality of the workforce grounded by the University of Arizona. John is a proven business leader who has brought nearly $1B of economic activity to Southern Arizona.

Public Service

John also knows the value of public service. He learned about true bipartisanship from his uncle Bob Wilcox, who served in the state Senate with Sandra Day O’Connor.

John gives back to the community through volunteer service, advocacy, and philanthropy in education, environmental sustainability, animal welfare, and quality of life in our community. He has served as an officer on the Board of four Arizona-based non-profits.